Antibiotics FTW!

Jan 02, 2010 23:58

Normally, I'm all for "alertive medicine" (herbs, acupuncture, massage, pressure points, changes in diet, etc.), but there is a time and place for Western Medicine. For example: pneumonia. It's finally going away, thanks to z-pak!

My lungs don't hurt (much) anymore, I'm not constantly tired (much), I'm not constantly out of breath (much), my lips aren't blue anymore (for the most part), and I'm not coughing anymore still coughing a lot, but at least there's now power behind the coughs, not just the feeble "cough" I was doing before! Also, I can now take nearly a full breath of air! I have enough space in my lungs again!


I'm still mending, but I am on the mend! I hope never to repeat this "adventure". Word to the wise: pneumonia SUCKS!

P.S. In addition to my normal medications, I took over the course of the cold/bronchitis/pneumonia: albuterol inhaler (I normally only need it for acute asthma attacks - I was/am using it 10+ times a day!), z-pak (antibiotic), tessalon perles (cough suppressant), guaifenesin and pseudoephedrine (decongestants), acetaminophen (fever and pain control), RX cough syrup with codeine (works AMAZINGLY! It allowed me to sleep well for the first time in three nights :D), at home nebulizer with more albuterol (3x daily), and some more stuff I'm forgetting... and even with all that, I was really close to ending up in the hospital.

Unlike with shampoo: do not repeat!

lungs, medicine, ill, slight rant, health, cleveland

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