Merry Christmas

Dec 25, 2009 12:11

To those who celebrate, Merry Christmas :) To those who don't, I hope you have a happy, merry day! (I, personally, don't celebrate the holiday, as I'm Jewish, but I don't mind when people say "Merry/Happy Christmas" to me, for I would be glad to have a good day!)

I have a cold today... and my back is sore from shoveling yesterday. (Our neighbors are out of town, and will get back in late at night, so we dug out their driveway for them. About 16" of snow... and it's a big driveway!) But I'm happy to not be at school, and to be done with finals, and all that jazz :)

You know what's annoying? The Doctor Who Christmas Special doesn't air in the US until tomorrow!! Grrr! And then another week for part two. Humph.

On the up side, we might order Chinese food tonight :) (per tradition of Jews everywhere!)

I took some wicked cute and good pictures of the dogs (mostly Amber) playing in the snow yesterday, and I will post them in a bit, after I've edited them.


snow, ill, holiday, cold, winter

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