More boy.

May 20, 2007 01:50

Nothing to write about, really,

Washy left at friday to Nokia, Venias gig  went cool at IMF from what I heard today so I know what will be the main subjet of dinner discussions for a while. ;P
I've been single-mommying since, just slept, fed my boy, changed diapers and done my best not to lose all those extra kilos from pregnancy by stuffing into my face pizza, chockolate at TUC-crackers. Of, and lots of sugary juice too. :P

Washy should be back home by morning, I think they've already headed back home from there.
So it only means one thing: time to cork my package of chockolate ice cream while I still can! O.O
Also, I still haven't got a change to watch that Akira-movie that tall-Juha so kindly borrowed to me a couple of weeks ago. Great, I think I have a time-killer-plan for the rest of the night then. ^^

Can't wait to get Washy back home. Me and boy got along pretty well even though I was worried how'd we get by alone for a day and a half. But it's still nice to have another one here who you can rely on. Not to mention, I soooo want to go bath. I'm going to take everything I just can from it tomorrow. ^^
And of course I happen to miss my husband, too.

Oh, before I forgot: .
There's mostly pictures from the hospital, but I'll make Washy add some new ones as soon as he gets back home.
Go see our sonny-boy! I'll go now to raid the fridge! <3
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