Oh boy!

May 18, 2007 02:19

All of you who actually read this propably already know this, but still.
To quote the nurse who was at the scene while things where happening: "Congrats, it's a boy!"

I also bet that you can imagine the "Duh?"-expression on my face. XDD

So, I'm officially a mommy now. To a baby boy. To a week and a half old baby boy that is.


Still a lot of getting use to in it. 
I'm a bit tired all the time since my sleeping patterns are so chopped up and thrown into the wind. Not that I normally even can hold a certain pattern for a long time anyway, it's just that now I have to sleep in small doses around the day.
I think that my hormones are still little whacky too, since I have pretty bad mood swings. That's why I wont' be inviting anyone for a while still over, s'ry. :( I just seriously think that it's best for just now, even thoug I miss you guys terribly.
I'm also going to see a psychologic  (too tired to check the spelling) as soon as I can get an appointment, just for sure. I've always been a bit moody (well, a bit is actually a little more than just a bit though ^^'), so it's not really anything new. But being in so new situation like this all suddenly (believe me, nine months doesn't prepare you to anything!) is making it worse and also uses up my already low energies. :/ So, checking up thats everything is somewhat okay and talking to someone is in need.

But no worries, I'm not complitely lonely, I have my son around to amuse me and who I can get to know to right now.
He's a cute little critter and I'm just so relieved that I do after all seem to have some motherly instincts. \o/
I just hope that I can be atleast the half of the mommy he deserves.

But enough baby talk, I still remember how it feels when you're not entirely comftorable with the subject and the proud new mommys won't just shut it.

I talked with Washy some time ago about my money usage. I'm absolutely terrible at keeping my money issues in range, so I suggested to him if he could start to look over them a little.

Most of my problems come when there's dollie stuff related or going out with my friends for coffee ect.
So, I made little plan of how much I can spend in a week for different stuffs. 
After I pay rithrin the DZ-body, there won't be much dolly stuff coming into this house for a while. Wich prolly means, poor Mårten won't get his head for a while still. Unless I'll learn how to do magic-money from thin air. :P
But, I'll still have a little budget weekly for little treating myself, either if it is going for a cup of coffee, buying ice cream or tiny bits of fabric to sew something or the old "go-insane-in-Hobby Point"-thing.

But all this is going to start at next month, right now I'm broke. 
Oh, and I'll be having a huuuge hospital bill coming for having a baby and I'm up to my ears in depth to Washy for the air cleaner... 
So maybe I treat myself a little less in next month too? ^^'
Or the I'll just pray that Cybershop will get their web-pages updated so I can seriously start doing my job with updating product informations there. *sigh*

And still a bit about dolls. 
I today got some insane idea that I'd like to have one more SD-elf girl. I think it was Aino ice cream commercial wich put this I dea in my head. They had kantele playing in the backgourd in it and I just got this idea of having some quie, etherial being who plays kantele. Silly really, since Astrid actually plays a little bit harp (and I still haven't got it done yet for her! >:( ).
I have of course that Cerberus Project's Juri 2006 head rolling around and I haven't been really sure of what to do with it. I first thought of making Raghna's, Astra's and Ingrid's mother of her, then Sindri's sister. Now I think I*ll do some skecthes and see if it could work as my mysterious kantele girl.
Also, porblematic is that I can't really decide her hair and eye colour. No, of course the fact that I really don't know really anything else either about her character ain't a problem at all. :P
I love white, fair hair but I allready have Hjördis whos has white hair, also when Calla returns she will still be the same pale white haired fairy she was. Also, Sindri will be white haired too.

See my problem? Too much old looking folk!
On the other hand, I really can't imagine my mystery girl as a blond either. Not atleast with same golden hair that Astra has. Maybe somekind of ash blond? 
Brown doesn't really suit in my head either, not dark one atleast. It would have to be really light shade with greyish tint if it comes to brown .


But I think this is enough of tired blabbering for this night, I think I'm going to drag Washy out of the tub (he's prolly fallen asleep in there, agen.) so I can ghange my baby boy into drys.

Hopefully I didn't bore you guys into coma. :P
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