Christmas gifts!

Dec 20, 2011 16:27

Christmas gifts for bar patrons ahoy!

Captain Kirk's gift is a pound of good Caribbean coffee. Some things really do work from year to year. It likely beats what usually ends up in ship's stores (or arrives through a replicator, depending on your point of origin) quite handily.

Tanya gets a warm wool scarf, knitted in a shade of sober dark blue. Some places in America get terribly cold during the winter, and though Tanya might not be fighting in one of them at the moment, it's better to be safe than sorry. Or freezing.

Dale Harding's going to have himself a debt-free Christmas, at least in the bar. The next time he's in a position to notice the tab board, he'll discover that anything still outstanding on his tab has zeroed out, and a sum large enough to pay for two or three decent meals has replaced it.

Yrael's gift includes music, unsurprisingly. The recording he receives would be fairly traditional for a classical string quintet, if two of the participating instruments weren't Vulcan lyre and a soprano variety of Andorian flute. There's also a bottle of red wine waiting for him, vintage 2369. No catnip mice this year, apparently.

There's tea with Teller's name on it, literally. Hopefully he doesn't have a problem with ginger, because that's the variety to be found in the tin he's been given. There's also a porcelain mug in that gift box, presumably to drink the tea out of. The image painted on the side is a raven circling a castle's tower, fittingly enough. Neither the raven nor the tower have laser eyes, say sorry.

River will find a tiny lavender seedling in a suitably small copper pot waiting for her. The plant isn't so small that it's in imminent danger of fading away to nothing, but it's clearly still young. Lavandula aliqua est.

Will, possibly surprisingly but possibly not, has a book awaiting him. It's a copy of The Odyssey (no timeline issues here!), though it's in English rather than Greek. Inside the front cover is a message.
I thought you might appreciate this, if you haven't already read it. Happy Christmas, Will. -- Sariel

Leela gets her own tin of tea. Unlike Teller's, hers is black tea flavored with mint. Hopefully Leela doesn't have either an allergy or an issue of the ick! variety there. If she has, Sariel isn't likely to react terribly badly to hearing about it.
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