Nov 16, 2010 22:19
Anyone who calls Sariel a minion is sorely mistaken.
About as mistaken as they are if they call her a coward. Shy she may be, quiet and studious and subordinate she may be, but she's got Starfleet training, and she takes it very seriously. Keep an eye out for anomalous readings. Report what needs reporting.
Do the right thing.
Sariel's loyal to her core. But she's no minion. She lives her life by a very different set of rules than the stereotypical tool of someone higher up. She follows, follows orders, follows protocol, but she doesn't do it blindly.
She serves in Starfleet with her whole heart. That's plain enough, if you know her. The military life works for some people and doesn't work for others, and it's right for her.
But Sariel serves in Starfleet with her whole mind, too.
Commander Data (not as she knows him) has shaken her, chilled her, unnerved her. And he said not to tell anyone, ordered her not to tell anyone, made his order plain even if he didn't speak the word.
But Sariel doesn't follow blindly. She's subordinate, and she's shy and she's junior, but she follows with her whole mind.
And she's no coward. Even if what she's about to do scares her.
Do the right thing.
If Commander Data is malfunctioning, she needs to tell someone.
The Commander Data she's just met could be from her own past, her own future, someone else's past or future. The Commander Data she's just met could be her own universe's version, malfunctioning but unaware that he is. If she tells anyone else, the explanation of her suspicions will be a carefully-worded lie at best, a serious incident exposing the existence of Milliways at worst. If she tells anyone else...
But Commander Data knows Milliways. And Commander Data will want to be repaired, if he is malfunctioning.
Won't he?
Report what needs reporting. Do the right thing.
It's a very wary, very cautious Sariel who reaches for her communicator. She's two steps beyond what was the bar door a moment ago and is now her closet. It's here she halts.
Do the right thing.
"Rager to Commander Data."