Oct 14, 2008 09:41
A is for age: 45 and still counting...
B is for beer of choice: not a beer drinker, but Alexander Keith's Pale Ale is not bad as far as beer goes
C is for career right now: project manager
D is for your dog's name: never had a dog, but I do have 2 cats
E is for essential item you use everyday: toothpaste
F is for favorite TV show: Supernatural
G is for favorite game to watch: hockey
H is for Home town: Toronto
I is for instruments you play: piano, but that was ages ago
J is for favorite juice: cranberry
K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking: wish I could kick my dad's butt at pool, but alas, he's too good at it
L is for last place you ate at: breakfast at the B&B we just stayed at
M is for marriage: which happened to me 3 days ago
N is for your name: which I have decided to keep even after marriage
O is for overnight hospital stay: knee operation when I was a kid
P is for people you were with today: my husband
Q is for your best quality: organization
R is for what are you currently reading: short stories by Charles de Lint
S is for relationship status: just married
T is for time you woke up today: 7 am, but I tried to go back to sleep and one of our cats wouldn't allow it
U is for the type of underwear you have on: actually, I'm still in pj's and am going commando right now
V is for vegetable you love: zucchini
W is for worst habits: compulsive cleaning
X is for something extra about you: ambidextrous
Y is for your fave candy: dark chocolate
Z is for zodiac sign: cancer