Sep 24, 2005 16:59
As I was out and about yesterday, I walked past a drunk guy. Well, I walked past many drunk guys, but this guy was special.
He yelled at me, "Hey, dude! You wanna hear a story?" In no particular rush to get where I was going, I said, "Yeah drunk guy! I wanna hear a story!" He goes, "Alright, but this is more like a quiz story... What's red, just like Santa Claus, but comes two times a year instead of one? You give up?" I said, "Yeah, drunk guy, I give up, what is it?"
He promptly replies, "My genital herpes."
As I walked away, cracking up, he yells after me, "Yeah, dude! I'd be walking away too!" Then I hear him ask the next girl who walked by, "Hey, you wanna hear a story?"
As I walked along, admiring the good humor of some people with sexually transmitted diseases, my mind wandered to a less hilarious subject: diseased people need love, too.
I mean, not every diseasified person has the same audacity as my newfound friend... typically you don't yell from the rooftops "I have gonorrhea!" unless your friend is gonna give you five bucks.
I can't imagine that it's too easy to find people to love when they'll have to carry your burden for the rest of their lives. Note the parallel: and yet some girls don't make guys use protection?
However, if the people already have the disease, then it can't get any worse, right? I'm no bio major, but it would seem that if two people with the same affliction fell in love it would be a lot less of a big deal. Sure it limits your options, but diseased people won't want to go secretly infecting other people if they have any semblance of conscience.
So why not have STD clubs to bring people together? I mean, there's no cure for the clap, right? But once you've got it, you've got it. People can have intradisease communities of people who can get together without fear of harming the other. Might be racy, too... I mean, they had to get the disease in the first place, right?
If you think this entry is nuts, give me reasons why. I'm perfectly willing to admit I'm wrong on this one, because it seems kind of on the crazy side, yet still seems to make a significant amount of sense.