Meme a Little Meme of Me

Nov 27, 2005 13:40

Because helleboredoll asked....

Five Snacks I Enjoy
1. dark chocolate
2. dolmas
3. Yankee Doodles (even though I shouldn't)
4. sorbet
5. antipasti olives

Five Songs I Know By Heart
I probably know at least a hundred, so how would I choose? Next....

Five Things I would Do With A Hundred Million Dollars
1. Pay off bills for self, family, and friends.
2. Buy a house near the beach with no roommates.
3. Travel. Hopefully with friends.
4. See if I can find a dermatologist who doesn't make my face worse this time.
5. Get a good hairstylist and a tailor so I can wear clothes that actually fit for the first time in my life.

Five (x2) Favorite TV Shows
1. First few seasons of X-Files
2. First few seasons of Buffy
3. First few seasons of Andromeda
4. Seasons 3 and 4 of due South
5. Angel until Doyle died.
6. Season 2 and Halloween episodes of Two Guys, a Girl, and Pizza Place
7. Twitch City
8. Max Headroom
9. Strange Luck
10. The Iolaus episodes of Hercules: The Lengendary Journeys. Shut up.

Five Bad Habits
1. Procrastination
2. Sloth
3. Massive self-doubt
4. Procrastination
5. Lack of focus-- oooh, shiny!

Five Biggest Joys
1. Singing
2. Writing
3. Sleeping in late
4. Driving
5. Good food

Two Names You Go By
1. V
2. Mighty Pineapple Head (not willingly)

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Irish
2. Polish

Two Things that Scare You
1. Emotional intimacy
2. My health and eyesight deteriorating further

Two Everyday Essentials
1. Chocolate
2. Snark

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. black Vampire: The Masquerade T-shirt with Tim Bradstreet art
2. embroidered black slippers bought for $4 in Chinatown

Two Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
Only two? No way.
1. The Sisters of Mercy
2. Concrete Blonde

Two Things You Want in a Relationship
1. trust
2. support

Two Truths
1. The night is never totally dark in New York City.
2. You only get one lifetime.

Two Physical Things That Appeal
1. eyes
2. cheekbones

Two(x2.5) Favorite Hobbies
1. Writing
2. Singing
3. Driving
4. Reading
5. Snarking

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. financial security
2. excellent health

Two Places You Want to Go on Vacation
1. Venice
2. rivier's place

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Finish all my fics
2. Clear my house of all gay porn so my family doesn't find it after my funeral

Two Ways You are Stereotypically a Chick/Guy
I can't think of a way in which I'm stereotypically a chick. As far as I know, there are few things I like that are stereotypical chick things.

Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
If I haven't admitted them here already, I'm not admitting them now. Besides, wasn't "Mighty Pineapple Head" enough?

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. Food
2. Fic

Two Stores You Shop At
1. Target
2. Borders

Two People You Would Like to See Take This Test
1. rivier
2. daegaer
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