You Like It Darker by Stephen King

Aug 24, 2024 03:35

A quick-feeling read that pulls the reader along. I really liked most of the stories here, my favorite from this collection of short stories and novellas of varying genres being "The Fifth Step." "Danny Coughlin's Bad Dream," "Two Talented Bastids," and "The Answer Man" were also standouts. "The Dreamers" started out slow and with some sentence structure issues that annoyed me (but are there to make a point about the narrator at that point in the plot), but it gets good.

A lot of people seem to see "Rattlesnakes," that involves a character from Cujo, as a favorite, though I thought it was overlong. For me, it's good but not that good. The haunting involved in it had some unusual elements I enjoyed. I felt that "Finn" was random and somewhat pointless, though it had some amusing moments.

horror, fiction, books

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