Exploit, inspire, encourage, be responsible for this, ha ha

Aug 11, 2023 23:13

I'm writing fic! Done on a Saiyuki I'm sitting on a bit, nearly done on an Andromeda, and making strides on another Saiyuki WIP.


While I was out at local Juniper Valley Park, walking through alone, a foam football came at me lightly, just about right to my arms, so I caught it. I noticed a man and a young boy had been playing catch with it. I threw it underhand back to the small boy, who caught it. The man, perhaps his dad, did a fist pump at that. Then I walked back out of their story without a word.


"Twitter’s Rebrand Is Causing Unexpected Headaches Thanks To How It Shows Up On Credit Card Statements"


I saw something online about Sistaco nail powders and was interested, wondering if maybe I wouldn't have a bad reaction to it the way I've had to many nail polishes and nail stickers in the last two and a half years. You know, minerals! And it says it's vegan. Then I saw the prices(!) and that they need to be cured with an LED lamp, and I don't know what's in the clear polishes that are a necessary part of the process, and nope.


How D&D Classes Use a Bow

vids, queens, nails

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