Mar 25, 2023 03:21
Long time readers know I've rolled both ankles multiple times, with damage ranging from "inconvenient" to "I am fucked," but not for a long time. My right ankle betrayed me hard today, first by borking, then by sending me to my butt in what seemed like slow motion to the ground, the last of which always seems like an additional insult to injury. (It seems so slow yet I can never get my body to correct in time.) How dare I walk around so cocky like I'm a normal person, I obviously needed to be humbled.
I've done this often enough that even as I was sitting in the dirt, severe pain flaring, I'm already applying pressure to a few, particular points on the ankle and foot to try to minimize swelling.
I was fortunately close to my car instead of needing to, say, walk a mile on the injury, which I have had to do in the past. I got home, walked up three floors, and applied rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE) with the ankle brace sock I already own. I've had worse swelling and bruising on an ankle, but my standards are not normal standards. [eta: It actually swelled up much worse later that night.]
Old hand that I am, I didn't go to the ER; I called my podiatrist but since this happened at 4 in the afternoon on a Friday nobody was in the office there.
I've sprained each ankle. They've both been weaker and easier to damage again ever since, and my having a soft tissue disorder that affects joints, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, definitely doesn't help.
Of course, this had to happen at a time when I have to walk downstairs to the second floor for refrigerated items and then back up. I've taken to leaving the water bottles I usually chill out on our apartment's small terrace outside instead so I don't have to go downstairs the many times I need water.
I'm still driving to New Jersey tomorrow to see John Wick 4 with an old due South friend I first met in 1999. My ankle can suck it, even if it is my driving foot.
health obstacles,
ehlers-danlos syndrome