But a Miniature Sleigh and Deflated Reindeer; Plus December Meme

Dec 12, 2021 02:03

A disturbing Christmas lawn decoration.


For the December posting meme,
daegaer asked, "Pineapple on pizza: yay, nay, or 'we need an old priest and a young priest'?"

I'm actually pretty easygoing about other people's food decisions as long as I'm not forced to smell something awful or eat it myself, so anybody into pineapple on pizza, you do you, boo.

For myself, for some reason I have some foods that have to be sweet or savory, and pizza is definitely a savory thing for me. I don't even like the tomato sauce having much sweetness, so pineapple is a no-go for me. You can comment here or at the Dreamwidth crosspost.
comments at Dreamwidth.

meme, food, december posting meme, photos, christmas, queens

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