To Completely Drain You

May 27, 2020 14:24

Today I repeatedly tried four different phone numbers in an effort to get a human on the phone for Medicaid but either couldn't get the call to go through, couldn't get a human being on the line, got a busy signal, or was disconnected. Classy.

I've referred this to my senator's office since by state decree they're not supposed to rip part of my medical coverage away during the pandemic. The staffer said she'd look into this.

After that call to my senator, yesterday's e-mail to the HRA website got an automated response e-mail, which partly states,

Important information about Medicaid:
Your Medicaid case will stay open even if you do not submit your Medicaid Renewal.
If your case closed because you failed to renew during the COVID-19 emergency, it will be reopened and there will be no gap in your coverage.

Gosh, if only I had a good history with and could trust Medicaid instead of them periodically dropping my coverage over nothing and then making it nearly impossible for me to get it back. If only I could trust that the automated system that potentially sent me this notice wouldn't automatically drop my coverage too. You can comment here or at the Dreamwidth crosspost.
comments at Dreamwidth.

medicaid - surprise lapse, covid-19, medicaid, new york city

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