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May 26, 2020 17:39

I got a notice today that my Medicaid is being discontinued June 5--my birthday even, yay--because they supposedly didn't receive my recertification form! 1] I mailed that recertification form May 1. For all I know, their mail is piling up given that offices are closed. 2] By the message on their website and phone line and by law, they're not supposed to be discontinuing my benefits even if I hadn't sent in the recertification during this pandemic and shutdown. (But I did send it in. I even made a copy for myself.)

I am a disabled woman who needs Medicaid to supplement my Medicare and, especially during coronavirus times, I need full medical coverage.

It arrived by mail at 5 p.m., which of course means nobody was in to talk over the phone. I did get someone on my first call, to the Medicaid general line, but the system was down so she couldn't see my account and she couldn't help me and since the system was down she couldn't even give me the HRA phone number I'd need to talk to someone who might help me. After that, nobody was answering calls at HRA or my senator's office. I sent an e-mail through HRA's website; we'll see if that does anything.

I can't go to Brooklyn in person again to fix this Medicaid cockup, not now. You can comment here or at the Dreamwidth crosspost.
comments at Dreamwidth.

medicaid - surprise lapse, covid-19, medicaid hell 2019, medicaid, new york city, november 2019 wtf

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