Mother Exhausted of House Tired

Feb 24, 2020 03:05

I could be writing in my many WIPs but instead lately have been mostly contributing fic titles to the group document for a Prodigal Son "trash" group on Discord. (The "interference" headaches making it hard to think longform and forcing me to go to sleep haven't been helping me either.)


The "check engine" light was another false alarm, yet again for the emissions system. My mechanic and I will continue to monitor the situation and try to get the most remaining life out of my car for as long as and with the least amount of money possible. Life just keeps punching me in the bank account, and the US benefits system works to keep me as poor as possible to stay in it (we don't want those disabled people to feel secure or anything), so I'm not much closer to being able to buy a new used car than I was last February.


I culled some unnecessary and/or outdated papers from my bedroom's clutter, a fraction of what needs to go but a noticeable dent nonetheless, and I have the papercuts on my hands to prove it. There's some paper stuff that might be throw-out-able but I'm too nervous and paranoid to let go of. (I get a lot of paperwork from Medicare about my doctor visits and meds, for example.)


Here's a favorite sketch of mine from A Black Lady Sketch Show: "The Basic Ball." I might actually be able to compete in the first and last categories, although my inability to do a death drop that wouldn't hurt me curtails my chances of winning.

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prodigal son, car, chiari i malformation, civic, medicare, vids, ehlers-danlos syndrome, discord

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