My plotkittens truly hate me. In addition to the three longish WIPs I was already working on, “Kann denn Liebe Sünde sein?” is now added back to the list. “Kann denn” is huge and I've been working on and off in it for over 10 years. ::headdesk::So that's two Andromeda [“Lost Like Me” and “People”], one Saiyuki [“The Worst Way (Wretches and Kings)”], and one Weiß Kreuz.
Watching Sword Art Online: Alicization on Toonami, I am amazed again by how many ways and opportunities SAO finds to be gross toward female characters.
I actually am still watching the new season of Doctor Who.
Though the new Master better up his game substantially before I'll willingly add him to the pantheon. Yaz is even getting things to do lately.
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