Things Fail

Oct 17, 2019 23:58

My car's transmission is having some hiccups again, so that shot of adrenaline direct to my heart really made me feel alive. Don't let me down, sweetie.

It was so windy today that occasionally my car was rocking.


I have to have a very serious talk with my trust tomorrow because I found out, by going to Chase's website tonight, that one of my bills I directed them to pay wasn't paid at all so Chase wanted me to pay $94 by November 11 to reestablish that credit card. I got a person on the phone, told them my situation, begged them to waive the fee given the situation and the fact that I am disabled, got the woman on the line to say yes to that, and paid a little over the minimum monthly fee for October over the phone to get my card loose again. I'll be watching and my bank website carefully in the next few days to make sure all this goes through. It doesn't help that I found out about this on a Thursday evening, because Chase says things take two "business" days to go through and I'm not sure if Saturday counts.

Given all the work I put into creating each package of bill, receipts (they won't pay my credit card bills without receipts for every single thing), and amount of disbursement request to the trust, and the penalties to me if they don't pay my bills on time, they should goddamn well do the job they personally take $50 monthly and an additional $50 annually out of my money to do. The trust operators are only available 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday, so I have limited hours to talk to someone. I took a screencap of the Chase page and of my Sent e-mails--a different e-mail account from my fannish one--showing the e-mail I sent them at the end of last month (along with the others sent the same day they did pay) as proof and backup.

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