
Apr 05, 2018 00:27

I just saw the 2017 It movie, which annoyed and confused me. It's all about the kids section of the story and almost unrelentingly grimdark and extreme, almost completely lacking any lighter or breather moments, so it just wore me down, dampened the scares, and started to bore me. Almost everyone is a terrible person, and the Losers don't seem much like real friends, they're just there together. I also wondered why anyone would ever move in to the Derry presented here, since almost everyone there is cruel and sometimes casually murderous even aside from the "massive casualties 'only' happen every 27 years" thing. There might not have been an internet in the 80s, but what family doesn't do some research? It bothers me that Richie is almost never funny, just crude and obnoxious.

I don't understand how the second movie will handle the adults remembering these things. Will there be major flashbacks of what movie 1 already showed? Will the movie just figure if you're there watching you remember everything? Will movie 2 still have adult Beverly in abusive relationships after she'd spent so much time in the movie version of her teen self not letting her father get away with much?

A big point of the book was the slowly rising horror of the adult version of the characters not remembering how much danger they were really in and them (and the readers) getting gradual and worsening glimpses of how deeply they'd stepped in something terrible and were about to be revisited by it. Movie 2 might still do that but it won't be the same.

I know the book is too long and intricate for a single 2-hour movie but they didn’t have to structure their “chapter 1” the way they did.

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