Been Around Before

Apr 10, 2017 00:41

I've been sick for over a week now, and it's killing my stamina, head, and ability to write. It's harder than usual to concentrate. I'm wondering if this is the return of my mysterious, undiagnosable April spring thing, where I'm weak as hell for a week or more until it eventually passes on its own.

My shoulders are doing better at least. Not great, but at least they don't hurt whenever I do anything. My physical therapist says a torn tendon (like I have in my left shoulder) never actually heals through, so yay, decrepitude.


Everybody else had already written everything about recent LJ events. I'll still be cross-posting.

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livejournal shenanigans, spring thing, fatigue, livejournal, writing, health obstacles, left arm mystery, right shoulder mystery

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