The Way It Is

Oct 08, 2014 20:59

I've started watching a new anime series and innocently went to AO3 to see if there's fic. Hoo boy is there ever. A currently hot fandom, with lots of new fic appearing daily. I forgot what that's like! Don't have the urge to write for it myself though. No spark of inspiration, plus the fandom apparently has lots of other people writing anyway.

The show is Haikyuu!! (Exclamation marks part of the title.) About a high school volleyball team, though I don't watch it for the volleyball, of course, since I'm not a fan of sports anime. Bunch of guys friendshipping and bromancing with each other, so the relationships are hitting my sweet spot. So to speak. Loyalty! Determination! Hurt/comfort! TEAM!!! You know the drill. If there's one thing this show wants you to walk away with from it, it's that no man can play volleyball by himself. *ahem* It's a large connected cast, though thus far the focus is on the rivalry/connection between the antisocial, very technical perfectionist and a short spitfire full of determination and love of the game but not much structured experience. Of course the two boys learn that they're stronger and better together. The spitfire is the first person who knows exactly where to be and can spike the perfectionist's insanely strong set-ups! It's ~*fate*~.

So of course there's a fandom eating this up with a big spoon. Young men, all about being there for each other! ...dude, I am cynical as hell. *g* Thus far no girlfriends that need to be written out of the way either. Did I just say that? Oh yes I did. And part of the reason why there's so much fic is that you can write so many guy couples out of the characters. 31 flavors, y'all. ...I feel like such an old fan!

Apparently, after years of being in small fandoms, old fandoms, dying fandoms, and fandoms in which I seem to be the only fan--I haven't been working in a big, currently hot fandom since due South in 2002--the thought of writing something for a fandom thriving without me is just... strange to me. 'Cause it doesn't need me! My instincts have gone all strange after all this time. Like it's not worth it unless I have a different perspective on the characters or if I think almost everyone else is getting it wrong (like in Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, omg). It contributes to my total lack of interest in writing in Marvel Movieverse, where thousands of people are already constantly writing and posting.

I don't really have the urge to write for Hakiyuu!!, it's just shown me odd truths about my fandom engagement these days.

Though that's not to say that a lot of fan engagement works against me writing, since I was very prolific during the two months of weissvsaiyuki's challenges, talk, and deadlines. It's more that the fandoms I write for now... need me more?

firefly, joss whedon, anime, weiß kreuz, andromeda, writing, fandom, due south, archive of our own, haikyuu!!

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