Like a Car Crash

Oct 01, 2014 23:35

I didn't think this would happen: Prince Lestat: The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice is coming out at the end of the month.

I am not sure how I feel about her writing one more book about the characters I used to like. (I loved the first book. The second one is OK. The rest of them I can leave. In Tale of the Body Thief Lestat went sailing over several moral event horizons for me even as the book tried to make him seem cool and great doing that crap.) She went really strange over the last couple of years and screwed the pooch so hard in the series even aside from that.

Last time I checked, she matched Lestat and Louis up with women to make sure readers didn't think they were into each other. (They're not gay and, ewwwww, m/m isn't approved by the Lord!) Pairing her vampires with the Mayfair witches was ridiculous. She also totally changed Louis' personality to get where she wanted to go.

I don't know if Rice is still supposedly super religious, but at least she's not exclusively writing Bible fanfic lately.

horror, books

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