Very Slowly Springing

Mar 31, 2014 23:03

When I walked outside today I smelled the air and it was "Ah, Spring!" But then my face and sinuses started to ache, turning it into "Augh, Spring!" Which helped me realize that my recent days of feeling weak and shaky might be a bout of my old Spring thing, which, like so many of my other physical problems, I'd optimistically hoped would be fixed by my decompression/duraplasty/craniectomy/laminectomy surgery in 2006 but wasn't.

Nothing is really sprouting yet though. I think it's only fair that if I have to suffer with allergies the outdoors should have the decency to be blooming and pretty.

I'm happy that we no longer have mountains of filthy once-snow-now-ice everywhere, though when it first melted away everything looked a fright, completely filthy. Lots of auto glass and plastic uncovered too, suggesting that a lot of people's cars are going to look like crap once we feel secure enough in the weather to fully wash them. (A lot of us, me included, didn't wash our cars all winter from the total "What's the point of it?" smacking us in the face with weekly snow.) I know there are some marks on my car's paint job in various places from other people's cars sliding into it, but I won't know how bad until it's washed.

spring thing, car, chiari i malformation, civic

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