Divergent by Veronica Roth

Mar 30, 2014 06:11

In a dystopian future, Beatrice Prior has reached an age where she has to choose which faction she will belong to for the rest of her life--Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), or Erudite (the intelligent)--and ends up surprising herself with her choice. As she struggles through the grueling initiation period and her attraction to one of her mentors, she has to figure out who to trust, even though she can't trust anyone with her greatest secret, since she's been told that its discovery would result in her death. But as she starts to discover a plot to overthrow the government, she learns that her secret might help her save the people she loves....

I'm interested enough to pick the next book up at the library to see what happens next, since Divergent ends at the start of a dangerous undertaking, but didn't believe the setup or motivations. I don't believe Chicago's denizens dividing themselves up into these kinds of factions, and the evil was evil because it was evil, which I find too simplistic.

Also, at one sequence it seems that the author is using examples of the villain's pudginess as part and proof of her disgusting evil, which really turned me off. (And it's not like there are rations, just that some things are scarce-ish. Also, said villain belongs to a more sedentary faction that our heroine.)

sci-fi, books

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