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anonymous September 15 2012, 13:03:29 UTC
I tried a Google search as well. No results. I saw them once as a child when my parents took my sister & I out in Manhattan. It was dark out & we walked by this plaza- I'm thinking a bank plaza but can't be sure. The scene was absolutely amazing. We stayed there for a bit & looked around. The only reasons that dad took us to Manhattan in those days was for a Radio City Music Hall show during Easter or Christmas time or to shop at Macy's for Christmas so it would have been downtown from one of those locations as we were walking to a bus stop or train station to head home. I was probably about 6 at the time.

The next time I saw them was when I was in college. I was riding a bus uptown to a railway station. I remember being concerned because again it was at night; I was in an area I didn't know & the area wasn't one of the better ones. I saw the statues out of the bus window on the way home. It brought back the old memory but we went past fast enough that nothing else registered. If I could remember where I had been travelling to that eve, I might have an idea but at this point it's just a bunch of flashbacks & impressions. Who knows, they may not even exist anymore. Considering that I was 6 in 1961 & graduated college in 1977! If you come up with any clues at all I'd love to know. You're my best hope! And you would love to take pics of these, of that I'm certain.


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