Lose Some, Win Some, Lose Some

Feb 15, 2012 23:34

The auto body shop guy didn't show up at work until three hours after the start of the morning and his mechanics apparently can't do anything for me without him, and since I had a doctor's appointment to get to by the time he did arrive my car didn't get worked on today. At least I went home and got a much needed hour and a half of sleep in the morning. I'd be more ticked off about the early wakeup if State Farm hadn't returned my call from yesterday at 9 a.m., which would have woken me up anyway.

State Farm will pay $92 toward my rental car costs after I chewed them out. Unfortunately, they'll mail me a check for it since Enterprise's computer closed out my ticket, so Enterprise can't just apply the money toward my credit card. Now State Farm has to figure out how to mail a check. I told them I have my eye on them. *g*

car smash 1-24-12, car, auto body a-holes, like a good neighbor my ass

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