Is It So Much to Ask?

Dec 16, 2011 23:17

I took back my car today. It turns out that the auto body shop I left it at Thursday morning had no time open and had intended to just let my car sit there until Monday. Also, that I was misled into trying to pay $40 a day for a rental car myself, which meant I'd be paying $200 for a car before my own was even looked at.

Also also, if I hadn't called today to get an update on my car, he wouldn't have bothered to tell me that Civic would be sitting there, unlooked at, for several days. I'd felt like a nudge calling, but it's a good thing I did.

I threw a fit. Returned the rental. The auto body shop is paying the $80 for the two days of rental car I had. Since he paid, I'll bring my car back Tuesday to get it actually looked at instead of taking my business elsewhere and telling my mechanic of 10 years that the guy he recommended had screwed me over.

He better get my car done before the end of next week, especially since the holidays are coming up. I'm not tolerating anything else.

It would be nice if everyone would just do their jobs well and speedily. When somebody tells me, "Okay, if Monday seems too distant, I can take your car in Thursday morning," I shouldn't have to mindread that it means, "You leave your car here, and I'll have it sit, unlooked at, for four days until Monday anyway." Or that my liability agent has no idea what she's talking about.

Auto body shop guy was all "Your insurance is paying for the rental anyway, not you, right?" to which my response was "NO!" Even if I had been put through on the rental correctly.... As much as GEICO has chafed my ass, I don't think they should have to pay for four days of a rental when my own car is perfectly drivable.

Man, I should've just gone to one of GEICO's top places. They kind of suck--the last one I went to in 2010 left a series of mysterious and unnecessary scratches and gouges on the interior of my driver's door--but at least everything would probably have been finished by Monday.

car, auto body a-holes, car lane grab 11-5-11

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