
Sep 07, 2011 01:15

I had to get off Neurontin about a week ago because once I moved up to two 100mg capsules a day, one in the morning and one at night, I had a really serious depressive episode with a crying jag out of nowhere. Now, that I'm off it I haven't had another one. I wonder what the new neurologist and my pain management doctor will have me do with it now.

I have been very anxious with some depression most of today, but that was understandable after getting a look at my current bank account balance. Summer has had a ton of expenses for me--$2400 to rebuild Civic's transmission, renewing my NY state license plate, a traffic ticket, big electricity bills for air conditioning, I'm paying more for my cell phone service, doctor bills, etc.--and I paid out more money than usual toward the credit card I put the rebuilt transmission on, trying to get the debt and interest down more. (I hate carrying a balance on my credit cards as I have for the last few years, because before I got really sick I paid them all off monthly.) I guess I need to stop doing the last one. I dunno.

If I had anything worth something that I wasn't also using, I'd try to sell it. I'd sell my iMini since I have a newer iPod with more memory, but BuyBackMac doesn't even take iPods that old, and I have no knowledge of pricing or eBay. It looks like I wouldn't get much for it anyway with how Apple keeps advancing its iPod.

I already know from my Dad's attempts to make money off his comic books on eBay that it's a really soft market for comics. He gave up because it was a lot of effort for almost no profit.

I know the weather isn't helping. I feel so crappy.

meds, chiari i malformation

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