
Sep 05, 2011 03:28

The displays Bergdorf Goodman currently has in its Fifth Avenue windows are fairly boring; they may simply be placeholders until the Fashion's Night Out windows are put up for September 8. Their displays in the windows along 58th Street look like they have potential but they weren't finished and I didn't get to take really clear photos because the window dressers were inside and obviously distracted every time my flash went off, which made me shoot far less. Next visit for those windows.

Saks Fifth Avenue put some Rootstein mannequins out (with makeup and hair on, even) in their Fifth Avenue windows, which I appreciate because I love the poses, but whoever does the paint job for them at Saks is underwhelming me. The eyes and skin don't look quite right to me, and the "blush" is too heavy and not diffuse enough. (I think Bergdorf does a much nicer paint on theirs.) The huge afro they put on one of them really caught my attention as I was driving by, forcing me to stop, park, and shoot.

I have more photos at my Flickr. Here are some shots that'll appear only on LJ:

Lanvin print dress, 9-2-11

It's an interesting idea and effect, but there's no way I'd wear a designer's name all over me like this unless someone paid me to be a billboard.

Fur shoes, 9-2-11

Designers are really going out of their way to put fur on everything. Sheesh.

9-2-11: I don't find these Dior boots flattering at all.

The clock reflections on the last photo reminded me of something I meant to post here that I hope people will be interested in. When Kef visited in July 2010, she asked to go see the store that had "all the American flags showing up in the windows," which is Saks Fifth Avenue along Fifth Avenue by day. You guys are already familiar with my long-running antipathy toward the Louis Vuitton store showing up in some of my Bergdorf Goodman photos. Here's a rundown of some of what else you're seeing in various reflections:

In the reflection of this Bergdorf Goodman window along 58th Street you can see parts of the Plaza Hotel, Pulitzer Fountain, and Grand Army Plaza.

In this Saks Fifth Avenue window along Fifth Avenue you can see American flags flying at Rockefeller Center across the street.

This Saks Fifth Avenue window along 49th Street shows the red awnings from the American Girl doll store across the street.

This Saks Fifth Avenue window along 50th Street shows St. Patrick's Cathedral across the street.

In this Chanel window display you can see Tourneau's various illuminated clock faces showing the times of major cities around the world. Sometimes, like in this photo, I think the clocks really add something to the image.

flickr, photos, window displays, shoes and boots and stockings, fashion's night out, chanel windows, bergdorf goodman windows, new york city, saks fifth avenue windows, clothing

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