I'm not sure what's happening this season. Heroes is boring me and sometimes even making me wince, while I'm enjoying Smallville across the board.
Please close up the Kensei storyline quickly because it all makes me cringe and Ando needs his Hiro. Please get Peter away from the cliché Irish thugs. Please make his brother shave. Please don't make creepy stalker boy Claire's new boyfriend.
Clark and Lois behaving like adults. Clark finding his sense of responsibility? Cool! Let's hope Lana's return next week doesn't return Clark to besotted no-conscience man. Kara's even kind of cool, aside from her Super Streetwalker wear. Then again, Supergirl's current canonical costume in the comics is very hoochie. *sigh*
So we had a Cyberwoman as a hunter and Dr. Kavanaugh as Pride. That was cool at least. And so was Bobby. The methods of death were nicely gruesome.
I got into Superatural through last season's opener, "In my Time of Dying," and have heard some reviews of "The Magnificent Seven" saying it should be more likely to draw more new viewers in than that. Not really. Anvils flew. I knew who the villains were by the time the shoe thing started, and that was with me not even knowing the title of the episode. Bobby went all "Game over, man!" regarding the Seven Deadly but Barbie Sue and her Wonder Knife of Contrivance killed three of them in seconds. Was the slo-mo on that fully just to look cool or because the actress can't physically sell a fight scene? And, really, I watch this show to see the brothers saving each other.
The Seven Deadly Sins could have been so much cooler and taken more than one episode. C'mon, think of the red herrings of regular people being forced to do terrible things without coming off as demonic at all.
I foresee big trouble between Sam and Dean. Dean's really flaunting his one year to live, and I can't see Sam taking being reminded of it several times a day. It'd be different if Dean were at least looking for a way out, but this whole "I'm laying my burden down and lovin' it" thing is going to keep chafing Sam badly. I've read several reviews fanwanking Dean's words, but they can't quite sell me because Dean spent too much time mentioning his impending death and pushing Sam to let him do things for me to totally get the "He said he was accepting it so Sam won't feel as bad" angle. That little fake coughing he did at one point when Sam objected to his new lifestyle and he brought up his expiration date as an excuse again? That's tool-like behavior.
They've also mentioned that Dean's deal said that if "you" tried to find a way around it, Sam would die, without a definite statement on whether "you" was singular as in Dean or "you" plural as in Sam-and-Dean or just Sam. I guess we'll see. I doubt Sam is going to stop trying to find a way to get them both loose.
But I appreciated that Sam laid it all right out in the first episode of the season and Dean didn't obfuscate back the way he did season 2. The "will or won't Dean tell?" on the big secret last season dragged on far too long.
Dean's insensitive "What's in the box?" thing actually took me back to Robot Chicken's Smurf version of Se7en, not Se7en itself, so I heard Brainy Smurf's voice saying it in my head.
Has Sheppard started beating Rodney offscreen, because where have Rodney's confidence and sass gone? He keeps flinching and cringing like he expects someone to hit him. I don't care that he called Shep "John" when the rest of this is going on. The first episode's spacewalk and spacetoss were ridiculous, and the string of disasters just became annoying and weirdly boring. The second episode was better and more suspenceful, but why did they have to make Dr. Weir cool at last just before getting rid of her? Ronon continues to be great throughout.
I'm still withholding judgement on Sam Carter's addition to the show. It's too soon to see if my fears will pan out.
"The Family of Blood": Turns out the Doctor has absolutely none of the human qualities he likes best when he's a human himself. Wow. I kept wanting to belt him, especially as he whined about possibly being lonely while he knew the Family was slaughtering villagers.
"Blink": Yep, plenty freaky. Though I think people might have hyped this one up to me too much in advance. I did like her meeting the Doctor and Martha at the end after all that and them having no idea who she is. Ah, time travel. Still, I personally would have liked more explanation on how the Doctor and Martha became trapped in the 60s.
"Utopia": All right! Jack is back, as well as being the Jack I like again, and him leaving Torchwood looks less tool-like given the circumstances. The Doctor/Jack banter was greatly appreciated, as was Jack as the Doctor's human guide to social behavior with Chantho. "This is where you say you're sorry." Professor Yana was plenty cool, even if I thought the explanation of Y_A_N_A was lame. Ah, the Master. Go, John Simm! I love him breaking down his past relationship with the Doctor in one sentence that ends with an "I don't think so." The orchestra gone crazy made me laugh. I always wonder how "primitive" cultures like the Futurekind end up getting intricate leather clothing though.
"The Sound of Drums": A lot of coolness. The Doctor/Master phone conversation is like phone sex in a way. Martha would check in on her family even knowing it's a trap; they're her family. This is the humanity the Doctor extolls. I appreciated that she had Jack there to help her out while the Doctor focused on the Master. The US president is a tool and namechecks God, of course, and gets his. Lucy as the Master's awkwardly, hesitantly kinky wife amused me. I really like this manic ruthless Master, but I found it simplistic that all his behavior is explained as the result of him having been driven mad by the Time Vortex as a child. It reduces the Master for me. I was really on the edge of my seat for the next episode, even though I'd heard it was bad.
"Last of the Time Lords": Oh, was it bad. The aged Doctor looks like a mix of Yoda and Dobby, leading me to wonder if Martha could have freed him by giving him a sock. Instead, he gets to be Tinkerbell, brought back to youth and life by the good wishes of all humanity. Martha's entire family (except for that brother on the lam) becomes waitstaff. ::rolls eyes:: Not much time to be intrigued by Lucy here, though I'm sure she was acting as part of a plan. Martha was pretty kickass. The one Toclafane they catch just happens to be the kid she talked to at the end of the universe? I call shenanigans. The Master declines the opportunity to be the Doctor's gimp. Heh. The Doctor's high horse isn't all that high considering how he punished the Family, but the Master torturing the Doctor's companions, terrorizing their family, letting loose genocide on the human race, abusing the future human race, and preparing to destroy other races gets imprisonment and forgiveness for the Master being the only other remaining Time Lord? Please.
Still, I appreciate Jack and Martha choosing to leave and their well-stated reasons for it. I'm still "whut?" over Jack as the Face of Boe, though. But I'm looking forward to what's up with the Titanic.