Dec 22, 2007 17:24
I've just been full of it lately, in a good way. Today was the greeting and missing of old friends day. I ran into SO many old friends and acquaintences today in my little town! It was lovely, but also a little sad in one instance where the friendship had to end due to stubbornness and paranoia on the part of a new partner. sigh. But the rest was lovely. Wrapping presents, planning dinners, looking forward to Christmas adventures with my wife's family when we go away to see them, sharing cups of wassail, singing carols, getting cards, sending cards. . .etc. I even made myself useful and put up some plastic on some windows today. I feel I'm recharging, refilling after a long time of just expending. I hope you all find some recharging energy ahead for you during this time. Happy Solstice. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. And everything else. :)