Let Freedom ring...

Aug 23, 2007 21:35

Let freedom ring in the...

damn, I can't remember how the rest of the speech goes but hey, I'm finally freed from the stress-induced hell called examinations! So...

ps. Might be image heavy, haven't decided yet. :P

As I've promised, I'm gonna update on my papers, if anyone even bothers. I doubt any of my classmates or coursemates see these. XD Emoticons are love.

Meiosis notes...

So yesterday was Plant Breeding Paper. The verdict's rather hazy but people seem to be fine with it. Afterall, practically every one of us mugged like mad to have a shot at clearing the paper. In the end, let's just say even with the mugging, I'm not very happy with the paper since I KNOW I didn't do so well but hey, I know I'll pass. I mean come on...I memorised a freaking whole chunk of small itsy bitsy words and you know what? That section's only what? 10 marks? ARGH!!!

Right after that, it was supposed to be intensive mugging. Unfortunately, or rather as usual, being the procrastinator that I was, I put it on the backburner. T.T I guess that kind of sealed my fate. Couldn't answer some questions but hey, I tried my best for arboriculture right?

I just wished that they didn't have the paper so close to info-rich PBG. (SInce PBG paper ended at 4pm the previous day. And arbor starts at 9am) Still, a passing grade's already in the bag for all (except for landscape. God knows how that guy will mark but for the rest, straight from the horses' mouths - "All of you've scored 50% or more.")

*throws confetti*

After the paper, I was screeching Haengbok and Under the Sea. (I can't sing you know...;) Tone deaf and all.) Was supposed to go for lunch with the guys (sorry dears!) but meh, I grew tired waiting. So in the end, I went home. Which is a good thing. Did a bit of housework and slept all the way till 8pm. Whether or not this was to make up for the obvious lack of sleep lately, since I've been sleeping at 3am and waking at 5- 6am, I have no idea but it sure feels GREAT!

Now, I can finally do a couple of tasks I've been dying to do. Like write, write and write. (Well, type actually. My hands can barely grasp a pen now...they involuntarily shudder and become weak - even when I typed that.)

The following below is a list of recommendations. Hopefully, you're not reading this when you're supposed to be mugging (being the exam period and all) because trust me, once you start, it's close to impossible to stop.

If you LOVE mystery/thriller dramas, may I recommend you...

Mawang (Lucifer)

Real lovely whodunnit with plenty of twist. Although some have remarked that Resurrection is better (I haven't seen it yet so if I do, I'll tell you), just watch it. If you want the OST, tell me and I'll upload it for you because the OST is LOVE!!!

Not your cup of tea? (I recommend any tea at the House of Royal Copenhagen. The view's fantabulous)

Flower for My Life

PLEASE, I beseech you to just watch. Seriously, the most under-rated drama ever. No words can describe the touching sensitivity of this drama which explores morality in such a new positive light. No genre can ever fit this drama nicely but this, this is by really the pinnacle of Asian drama IMHO.

Far, far, far better than all the crap out there.
(Like Precious Family showing on Channel U. I find that strangely slow and boring. Well, except for tomorrow's episode when the wife confronts the cheating asshole and demands a divorce. Ah, sweet retribution. <3 )

At least someone agrees with me. Excellent episode by episode summary here

but don't just read.


Or Snow Queen if you like the usual romantic tragedy. But don't know where to get them and hate youtube's sucky resolution? Click below.


I swear, if I know you, I'd hug you, uploader. If anyone warns...I'm smacking. Because really, if you take them away again, I'm gonna raise hell. Be thankful I'm just fuming that youtube took down Hana Kimi Japan. T.T Sano...Nakatsu...Mizuki...But hey, that's why I moved to veoh.
Icons are to be made so don't worry! Tomorrow, (or the weekend) after I mop the floors! God, I can't believe I'm excited about doing housework. T.T After that, if time permits, a spot of window-shopping. Or maybe just shopping. I wonder if Marks and Spencers brought anything new in. Or if Metro brought in more stocks of the new toys. Sigh...I hope I can get a temporary job. Impulsive shopper that I am, I'm bound to be broke sooner or later.

Ss it just me or has Changmin's long hair starting to resemble Fabio's hair?!  I'm starting to like it, even though I think he looks better with short hair.

Has ANYONE seen Teuk's hair?!

I'm speechless. Is it just me or does he look as though he's saying, "Thank you for attending my stag hen party." That and his hairstyle is reminiscent of Victoria Beckhams. I think it's the hair that's lending that air of glamourous female socialite. Hmm...I wonder will SM send me a warning letter if I send them each a pair of shears to cut their hair with?

But...But...Sungmin and Ryeowook's hair...<3 (Esp pink man's) And loving Kibum's new hair colour. At least it's not outrageous or anything. And Jaejoong's hair colour...<3 I just realised that all I've talked about is hair today...I'd admit I am jealous of their glossy shiny hair. T.T Enough of hair - get ready those drool wipes...

Eunhyuk's smokin'...

With that, I end my post. Expect more ya? So bye for now!

(Pink!Min says bye. And yes, I screencapped this! *gloats*)

Afterall, I promise picspams! 8D


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