Catching up on this meme, and some random other crap

Apr 20, 2011 00:45

Missed a day 'cause I got struck with a sudden headcold - not exactly what I needed when I have a week to write two papers, but I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. Stress + bad sleeping habits + weather shifts = general grossness in mind and body.

3. Your favourite book aged 9 ½, or 13 ¾, whichever you remember best.

Hmm. Good question. I know when I was 8-10ish I was madly in love with Pern books (Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern is/was my favorite), as well as any and all Choose Your Own Adventure books (so not surprising that I love Dragon Age and Mass Effect now, lol). At 14? Probably the Black Jewels Trilogy by Anne Bishop, which are still some of my favorite books ever (even if the subsequent sequels have been...less than good.)

4. The book that’s been on your shelves the longest.

Hmm. *digs around in the deep dark recesses of her bookshelf for a minute* Either the Aurian series, by Maggie Furey (very decent fantasy novels), or the Vows and Honor series by Mercedes Lackey (vaguely feminist sword and sorcery for the win!). I can't really remember NOT having those books, lol.

1. A fictional character you identify with and why.
2. Your earliest memory of reading or being read to.
3. Your favourite book aged 9 ½, or 13 ¾, whichever you remember best.
4. The book that’s been on your shelves the longest.
5. A book with a story for you, that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time).
6. What fictional character are you (secretly) in love with?
7. The last book you acquired, and how (begged, bought, borrowed?)
8. Your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next.
9. What author do you own the most books by and why?
10. Do you own multiple copies of any book? What are they? Why do you have multiple copies?
11. Book borrowing - do you use the library? Do you prefer to try before you buy? What about lending your books to friends? Are you a good borrower, do you remember to return books?
12. Do you reread a lot? Why (not)? Name a book you have reread many times.
13. What is the best book you’ve read in the past year?
14. Do you recommend books to other people? If you could force everyone you know to read one book, what would it be?
15. Adaptation: What book would you most like to see made into a film? Do you like to read the book first or see the film? Any books you have read after seeing the film version?
16. What is the most difficult book you’ve ever read?
17. Your favourite book series & your favourite book out of that series
18. Your favourite picture, junior fiction and Young Adult books
19. Least favourite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise
20. A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
21. Your "comfort" book
22. Favourite book cover including a picture!
23. Favourite fictional relationship (romantic, friendship, familial)
24. Most annoying character ever
25. Most quotable novel or 5 of your favourite quotes from any books.
26. Any five books from your "to be read" stack. What makes you select a book for your “to be read” stack?
27. Some firsts: First book you remember loving/being obsessed with. First book that made you cry. First book you gave to someone else as a gift.
28. Saddest character death OR best/most satisfying character death (or both!)
29. The End: do you prefer everything tied up or to be able to 'make up your own mind'? What is the worst ending to a book you have read? And the best? (careful, spoiler tags!)

So. Might be going on a vacation with the in-laws in June, to North Carolina to see my brother-in-law who just got back from deployment in Afghanistan (he's a Marine). I know I should be excited, and I kinda am I guess...but between the cost to go, the fact that my husband would either have to drive or we'd be crammed in the backseat of his parents' car with a six year-old (whom I love, don't get me wrong) for nineteen hours, the fact that I absolutely loathe my sister-in-law, and the fact that it would take place in literally my only week of break until the end of July...*sigh* But Aaron really wants to go. And it would be neat. So I dunno.

Because yeah, I'm one of those crazy people who takes classes in the summer, lol. One of my classes is only 3 weeks long (and about pirates! woo!) starting right after finals in May, then a week break, then two months of American lit. Then like three weeks of break, and fall semester starts up. x_x Blegh.

In slightly less boring/complainy news, I finally got my hands on FFIV Complete Collection and it is PRETTY. *_* I also managed to get slightly lost right out of the gate, lol. I think I walked the entire circumference of that big-ass desert right after Mist Village like twice before I checked the middle of the desert, lol. Herp derp, I fail at video games, as usual. I will finish this version of the game, though! No more excuses that you don't like the DS art style or that it's too hard, self. It's high time I actually finished that game. After all, I started back in the 90s with the PSX version. xD

Aaron got Mortal Kombat and Portal 2, so I got to hear limbs being ripped off and bones shattered for a good 8 hours, lmao. The girls in that game don't wear nearly enough clothing, but I do like Jade and Kitana's designs. He's nearly beat the story mode already though, so hopefully I'll get a GLaDoS fix here pretty soon. <3 Portal is really high on my list of those games that I love but can't play for shit, up with Bioshock and Zelda.

Watched the first episode of Game of Thrones, and I'm really glad that I've read the book first, or else I'd be really Aaron watched it with me, seemed to enjoy it, but we were both kinda "=/" at the gratuitous amount of boobies. That's HBO for you, though, I guess. Jaime Lannister is considerably more charming and likable in the show already, lol, but I'm not as enamored with their version of Tyrion. I hope they explore the clever side a little more than the drunken lecher side. Dany's wedding night scene was rougher than in the books, but more realistic, I guess. Other than that, it's all good.

books, long post is long, meme, a song of ice and fire, blogging, 30 day book meme, ffiv, real life

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