
May 17, 2011 01:31

Having one of those weird bleh days. Dunno why. Probably going to end up staying up too late, since I took a nap earlier. Also, my dreams continue to be freaking weird. In the last week I have had a dream about 1) losing my husband, 2) my cat running away, 3) getting into a huge fight with my dad, 4) intruders in my house, and 5) the world ending (this world seemed very oddly reminiscent of a modern ASOIAF setting what with the long seasons...the phrase 'winter is coming' made an appearance xD). This from a girl who almost never remembers her dreams.

Got my grades back - Two A-, one B+, one B. Sad thing is, that B could have easily been an A if I hadn't missed two pop quizzes that were 10% of my grade. x_x I'd rather a prof just take attendance, because if they don't...I skip waaay more than I should. ^^; Oh well, a B's not bad for only going about half the time. xD; /terrible work ethic

Piracy class is pretty epic. 10% of our grade comes from a short review of a pirate movie, so I have a school-sanctioned reason to go see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 this weekend (like I needed one, lol). Going to class five days a week is pretty annoying though, haven't done that since my first semester of freshman year.

I got a cool thing the other day! It's a Samsung Galaxy Tab - pretty much an oversized smartphone. Getting rid of my actual smartphone (my old HTC Droid Eris - anyone wanna buy it? xD) and bought a cheap slide phone to make calls with, since I have a phone phobia pretty much never talk to anyone but my husband and my mom. Using the Tab as a Kindle reader and notebook for class, and liking it so far. Also, it takes much much better pictures, so that's cool.

Um, let's see, what else...

Gonna try and buckle down and get some more of chapter 2 of HR written tonight, and I also need to work on my massive backlog of dishes. xD; List of things that V hates more than anything else in the universe: centipedes, throwing up, and doing dishes by hand.

Think I'm gonna go get started on that, since B and Ryan are coming over tomorrow (yay friends!), and it would be nice to have a halfway-clean kitchen for once when they come over. xD; *fails as a hostess*

bitching, rambling, long post is long, blogging, school, real life

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