Title: The After Life
Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho
Rating: R
Summary: Getting into heaven isn’t what it’s cut out to be - whether you’re a good person or not isn’t the deciding factor. If you can recall your loved ones and they can recall you, only then are you allowed to continue on in the afterlife. So what happens when you can’t remember anything
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And fuck what anyone has to say, if they don't like it they don't have to read it. Pffffttt. Haters gonna hate. I understand people being sensitive about it, (In me/my friend's fybottomminho tumblr, someone just left a "rape isn't a joke" comment in our ask box. No shit much?) but fuck - we're all adults here. (Or rather, we should be, cause this is rated R and I'm certain any rape fic you write would be rated higher.) Now I'm just rambling pointlessly.
I'd read it. ♥ You're brilliant.
NGL I really want your sick twisted shit now.
sorry I'm spamming your comments rite?
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