[fan fic] The Things I Do For Us

Nov 11, 2009 00:00

Title: The Things I Do For Us
Characters/Parings: Canada, Prussia, Daisy Jackson, and Ukraine, with some silly nation-boys at the end. Canada/Ukraine
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: For the ridiculous content.
Summary: If travel brouchures = Nation's Playboy magazine, then military strategies = bedroom tactics.
Notes: Technically a follow-up to The Things I Do For You.

Prussia was the one who asked, “You and that Ukraine chick have sex yet?” Canada had choked on his beer and, once recovered, turned a violent shade of red.

“Why do you want to know?” he asked weakly, wiping at his mouth.

“Just curious if my little buddy had scored yet or not,” Prussia replied brightly.

Canada glanced over at Prussia moodily. He was going to snap back that he was actually taller than the albino non-nation and resented being referred to as Prussia “little buddy”, but ended up just mumbling, “None of your business.”

“So you haven’t?” Prussia demanded. “You’ve been missing out, my young friend. But not to worry, the awesome me will take you under my wing and teach you all you two need to know to have awesome sex. Ever heard of this pervy dude named Sun Tzu?”

Canada bit his tongue and hung his head instead of asking Prussia where he thought the provinces and territories came from, then.


All things considered, Canada had probably done harder things. Going to that travel boutique on his twin and half-brothers’ orders to get them brochures (and picking himself up one as well, but no one needed to know that) had been very embarrassing and he’d been too embarrassed to be properly snarky.

Still, going into the local library and finding a book on great military strategists (and their strategies) was downright embarrassing. He tracked down Sun Tzu, of course, at Prussia’s recommendation (“The guy was awesome!”) and picked his way through some others. He had only one really famous strategy he could claim as his own, Arthur Currie’s technique of preparing not only for your own needs, but getting an understanding of the territory and opposition’s weapons. He rather liked it.

The librarian at the desk was a woman who wore the nametag Daisy Jackson. It was a familiar name to him, although he couldn’t imagine why beyond the girl being a Canadian.

“Oh, hello Mr. Shrinking Violet,” she said smartly, taking the books and scanning them with an almost impolite speed and efficiency. Oh. Oh. Canada turned a dark shade of red and shoved the checked-out books into his fabric book bag.

“I hope your brothers enjoy those books,” she called after him.


Well, it was a good way to bond, at least. Hiding under the tented covers of his bed with Ukraine (oh, that made him nervous), Canada flipped the page of the strategy book and tried not to flush at the picture. It was an example of how an army should march, should the territory be large plains and the opponent was spread wide and thin.

“This is a… most interesting book,” Ukraine said with a nervous giggle, holding the flashlight so she could look at him instead of the full-colour pages. She was as pink as he was, probably due to the uncomfortable warmth under the covers. “Perhaps we should attempt some of them…” She reached up and tweaked Canada’s hair curl and he tried not to shudder.

“I-I prefer to get a lay of the land first, learn how my enemy works before I charge,” he replied. Ukraine laughed.

“Perhaps I can sneak you some information,” she replied, already turning the flashlight off and wriggling free of the covers.

From outside the hotel room door Prussia smirked at America, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. New Zealand had long since retired to bed.

“Told you,” he said mockingly. “Now pay up.”

r: pg-13, p: canada/ukraine, hetalia, c: prussia, g: silliness, fan fiction, g: humour, c: daisy jackson, c: ukraine, c: canada, g: fluff

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