It's all god's fault, really. That god I don't believe in but that my husband does. His friends at work told him about a church in the northern suburbs that had the trifecta: Catholic, lots of Hispanics, and gay-friendly. (Amazing, when you think about it.) I thought I'd be nice and go with him the first time and... I got eaten by the music director. So now I'm a half neo-pagan atheist who's part of a Catholic church choir. It's... disturbing, actually, at least when I think about it too hard. But I love it. It's taken a lot of my time, but I'd forgotten how much I love choral singing. It's been way too long. We had a family concert early last week, one en Español three days later (talk about challenging), and I'm going to be there from 7pm to past midnight on the 24th. I don't believe the god talk, but I love god music and seeing mi Patrón happy is a great reward for suspending disbelief now and then.
I'm sure things will quiet down after Christmas is over and I'll have the time to get back here and find out about how you all are doing. Until then, have a very happy seasonal holiday of your choice and I'll be back around (throat lozenges at hand) sometime after the 25th.
For now, a very happy Solstice to you all. Here's a favorite of mine that I remember my lovely neo-pagan mother singing every December. ^_^
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