Oct 10, 2005 19:31
i don't really have anything to say, but i guess i'll try to make my boring little life interesting for you people.
5 things i like:
5. my cellular tellular phone.
4. curse words.
3. Moseph, my doggy.
2. my friends who listen to me and laugh at my stupid jokes.
1. Ryan.
5 things i hate:
5. yellow things. *puke*
4. math.
3. grape-flavored stuff. grrrr-oss.
2. flies. useless, disgusting flies.
1. when someone doesn't like me for no damn reason at all.
5 random-ass things that i have named:
5. my locker. its name is Doug.
4. my car. her name is Paula.
3. the skeleton in Miss Schoon's room. that is Timbo aka Timothy Bones.
2. my cell phone. its name is Verla.
1. half of our school. i have names for you all.
5 words that i use that aren't really words:
5. assload. adjective. a lot. "there are an assload of people here."
4.poon. noun. feminine hygeine products. as in a tampoon, aka a tampon.
3. fuckette. noun. a female fucker. "Andrea is such a fuckette. i wish she'd get hit in the head by a flaming poon."
2. queerbait. noun. someone who is acting gay and might attract gay people if they are not careful... "Keith is a queerbait." adjective. something that is stupid and/or gay and might attract the attention of gay people... "Mr. Roman's giant, queerbait shorts could double as a parachute."
1. shit-tastic. adjective. horrible. "Mr. Vollmar is a shit-tastic teacher."
5 things that i think are funny but no one else does (probably):
5. singing songs but using different lyrics. ask me to do it sometime and i'll show you what i mean. tee hee tee hee.
4. Miss Schoon's arm mole. HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA.... HOO HOO!!!
3. making up horrible nicknames for people you don't like. wish i could share some of those but i probably shouldn't right now.
2. blahtity blah blah and derka derka and other "words" that don't mean anything but you can use them as a filler and it makes everything sound interesting. like this: Mr. Roman says, "derka derka derka my name is Joe Roman blahtity blah blah i wear large shorts dittley bop dittley bop."
1. perverted things. snicker, snicker.
5 crazy things i can do.
5. talk to random strangers.
4. cross just one eye.
3. do the splits two ways.
2. bend my arm backwards.
1. put out a match with my tongue.
what about YOOOU???