Poetry of Lyrics: "It's a Disaster" part two

Apr 20, 2010 16:37


Oh heads or tails (3x)

Are you dumb enough to break the mold or smart enough to fail?

heads or tails - common phrase, not breaking new ground here and nor should it be a new phrase. It would distract from the unique lines in the next line. As it is, the "smart enough to fail" is unique!

dumb enough to break the mold: Speculation here. I can't see that the poet would consider breaking the mold dumb. Mold, I believe, implying the "set in their ways," the normal, everyday living (or livED) that the lived and learned have. Would it be that the lived and learned, old and infirm folk from before would consider breaking the mold dumb? That may be why the line sounds backwards to me, especially the next part of the line.

smart enough to fail: (tail/fail rhyme) Nice contrast. As in, huh? Why would you need to be smart to fail? Unless perhaps its smart to try to succeed even with the risk of failing? In any case, we are still deciding whether to leave at all, I believe. Clarification questions, last bit of persuasion?

I'm a bit lost with the two phrases here. I don't know if they are supposed to thematically agree with each other or offer a contrast. Well, I'm used to that, I'm a King's X fan! (Talk about cryptic lyrics, oi!)

State of the World : make a decision.


Happy trails (3x)

Can’t beat a little bit of envy in your sails.

happy trails - kinda like heads/tails, common phrase. There is also a nice alliteration with heads/happy and tails/trails, plus the rhyme of tails/trails

Can't beat a little bit of envy in your sails - I really like this line. Wind would normally be in sails, and wind is the proplusion. So, envy in the sails helping your ship to go?

state of the world - buh bye!

ok go, poetry, philes

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