Guest Blogger: Logan, in the Saltmine, with the Sarcasm

Jun 26, 2008 15:15

Ha! You came in too late for the fun.

DD came in this morning and instantly the place started smelling funky, and I was like, “Wow, that smells like gas.”

Apparently, while pumping gas this morning, DD prematurely pulled the nozzle out (hahahahahahaha can’t say that without laughing) and sprayed herself all over and decided to come to work anyway.

They convinced her to go home. I think I'm slightly high now. I used my “announcement voice” (spoke really loud) to tell everyone not to smoke around her today which got laughs from KT and TS.

HP ran around asking if anyone had a light. I was laughing my ass off.

WTF is up with KT? She’s like the world’s most broken record. She grabs onto a conversation topic and does not let it go for like AN HOUR!

Seriously, please someone stop pulling the string on her back because if she says “that gas smell isn’t going to come out” one more time I’m going to do a back flip.

Hey, look, my name is KT, what’s that over there? A dead horse? Hmmm, what should I do…I KNOW! I’ll BEAT IT!!!!!  *wham*  *thud*  *random gross sounding noises*  Ok, I think I’m done… she isn’t going to get that gas smell out of her clothes….

*poof* (that’s the sound of my head exploding, btw). Hope you didn’t laugh too hard at this, well not really, cause I did, lol. And, yes you can put it on your blog.

guest blogger, salt mine

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