Jan 01, 2005 01:02
Well well....
2004 seemed to have rolled thru like a freight train, and like most everyone else on the planet, it's time to start thinking about a fresh outlook on the new year and start shifting things around to ensure that it ends up that much better than the year before. For me, there is always something I feel I need to get started on, complete, or consider when the new year starts, and it's the only thing I've thought about the entire 1 hour and 12 minutes of 2005. Not to say that 2004 was a completely miserable year, but I did fall short of a few expectations I had set for myself this time last year. On the other hand, I did do alot of growing up this time around.
I can gladly say that 2004 was the best year I've had in a LONG time with my immediate family. I think I'm tight knit with my parents and my brother now more than ever. I've always liked to use the (played out) phrase 'putting the FUN in disfunctional' meaning that we've always gotten along, but we always have a lot of disagreements and harsh arguments. It wasn't quite like that this time. I'm so glad my mother finally decided that I've mastered the art of wiping my own ass, and that has made everything so much more convenient. I'm glad I didn't have many ridiculous secrets to keep from her this year. Infact, I was probably alot more open. It really made my day the day she told me that she didn't have worries about me because she knows that I can manage money. :)
and this leads me to one of my major resolutions...
I think I suceeded in proving to myself that I know how to be independent. Other than having my 1st broken bone, I don't believe I had a serious crisis this year. The only thing I needed from anyone was loose change here, and cigarettes there. I'm still not the best at judging how many cigarettes I'm bound to smoke in any 24 hour period, so I'm glad I had good people around to bail me out every now and then.
Other highlights for the year include yet another trip to the Gathering of the Juggalos, more and more Psychopathic shows, being Ross's best man for his wedding, and holding the same job long enough to break my Hardee's record of 2 and a half years. I'm sure alot of other great things happened, but I can't recall them at this time.
With sucesses there are also a share of failures. I didn't come out of 2004 with rock hard abs and a 300 bench press BUT.....joking :-P That one wasn't very high on my list of things to do, which probably leads up to a complete lack of luck with the ladies for the '04. Lets face it, this year was the worst EV-AR. To be honest, I don't think I really met any girls this year. I haven't had a crush in about 2 years. On the upper hand, I do think I've finally gotten over my last hopeless affiar with a girl. I think that is part of the reason the 1st half of the year went so bad in that respect. I'm not sweatin' it *AMEN* milfhunter.com
Actually, I'm kinda hoping all that falls into place with my new plan for the new year. THIS IS MY YEAR PEOPLE. You can laugh at me and discourage me all you want, but I hope you aren't on the traintracks when my engine reaches top speed. Like I told a friend just a few minutes ago 'I'm tired of the margarine, I want some fuckin BUTTER' I am getting pretty fed up with my current situation, and I do realize that the only person that can make it any better is just me, so that is what I am going to do. I've taken on this years resolution with a completely offensive aggressive approach. There is no room for failure because all that will prove to everyone is that I am somehow a bigger loser than I already am. If I do end up completely bombing, everyone has my permission to keep reminding me that I suck...so here we go
My 2005 new years resolution PROMISE:
a. I WILL be enrolled in college, and I will run all over and/or kill anyone that tries to stand in my way. College means meeting new people my own age, getting another shot at a real social life, getting a better job...which ultimately leads to better money, better hours, in a better location, and maybe even a financially secure future. This is very important to me right now. Probably what I want more than anything right now. I at least want to get a taste of it for awhile even if it don't work out. I am not sure what are in my cards for the distant future, but I am not going to turn around at 40 and wonder what could have happened...and wonder where everyone I know is because it sure seems to me like they are all doing these bigger and better things.....AND I will be doing all this all by myself..pigfucker
b. I WILL move out of Roanoke, AL. I could write an entire 20 installment saga about why that is important to me right now, but I will spare you.
c. Ok, I will stop with the promises and move on to iffy resolutions. I want to try and get involved in new ways to use computers. These days, the only thing I'm good for is email, surfing the internet, and downloading media. If I do want a real carrear with technology, I need to learn a few new tricks. I don't mean formatting a harddrive either. Any asshole can do that. I have been doing a little reading about video editing, and I want to put my video camera to some good use since I paid so much money for it. That is a good start I guess..maybe? I'll think of something
d. I also want to get really good at saving money. I will be the 1st to admit that sometimes I complain about not having any money to save, yet I could probably bankrupt a small country buying video games and dvd's..This is something I really need to work on
e. OK OK I need to lose about .....30-40lbs...then I'll be happy. haha....I hate to admit I'm a little on the out of shape side because I think fat people are the bomb...and I am for the most part pretty content with how I look. Fat people are hard to kidnap and they have super powers. Did you know that fat people have the ability to fall down in slow motion? Think about it next time you see a fat kid fall down!
well, I have some people over here and they are making it impossible for me to finish...so I'll just leave it for right now. I might come back and edit this later, but probably not....
to everyone reading this, happy new year...and I hope you have a good 2005.