I'm so domestic.

Nov 28, 2005 21:02

Quick weekend overview:

Friday--Went to dinner for coworker's surprise birthday event. Was nice; Pietro's is aight as far as food goes. Went to inscrutable's party, which was about 3.5 feet of scarf good. Lots of amusing drunk people.

Saturday--Knitted for a while with the Urban Knitters. Got a good start on the lace edging for my neck warmer dealio. It's gonna be the cooliest! Went to the grocery and got an obscenely expensive turkey breast (yay organics). Stayed in and watched the Battlestar Galactica miniseries, which was pretty ok.

Sunday--Roasted said turkey breast and made gravy. For my first time ever doing these things, I'm pretty well satisfied with the results. Next time will be much better, I'm sure. Volunteered at the ARC, where nothing happened. Got lots more lace edging done. We were driving back to HQ from Coffee Cartel during the tornado hoohah. Actually had to have a brief discussion on whether or not the Tornado Warning was more important than the Watch (it is). Fortunately didn't get caught in the actual tornado.


Worked. The evil old lady volunteer is the suck monster and needs to go away. I was exhausted. People were strange. I think I need to find a new position at the library. Sadly, I hate interviews more than I want a new position. Here's to hoping the balance switches soon.

Made turkey soup when I got home. It's aight. I'ma make dumplings for it tomorrow, when I'm off work, because I think it needs them. I love dumplings. There was enough extra turkey on the bones that I saved about half to make mole enchiladas. Yum. And we still have bunches of turkey slices for sandwiches and whatnot. This is the awesome. I may make mashed potatoes tomorrow to eat it with. WooHoo!

food, knit, arc

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