Closure (mission_insane - Table #7, Prompt #7: damsel in distress)

Feb 11, 2010 20:14

Title: Closure
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Benjamin Linus, Alexandra Rousseau
Prompt: Table #7, Prompt #7 (damsel in distress) // LOST Drabble Challenge 2010 (acceptance)
Word Count: 108
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mentions of death and blood.
Summary: Their relationship was like fire fighting the ocean floor, after all.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

With teary eyes, he stares at his dead daughter, watches the blood flow from her head down to her desperate heart, feels that they need some kind of closure. Their relationship was like fire fighting the ocean floor, after all--dangerous, heart-wrenching, and hopeless.

He closes her eyes, but that doesn't make her blind to everything she saw. Buries her in the ground, but there's no coffin to assure security forever. Says good-bye, but he never said hello.

He silently says that he's so, so sorry that it has to come to this, and he eventually--finally--gives the confession she always waited for:

"Monster. I'm a monster."

comm: mission_insane, fandom: lost, comm: lostsquee

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