Meaning in the Static (mission_insane - Table #20, Prompt #2: into the airwaves)

Jan 01, 2010 20:15

Title: Meaning in the Static
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Benjamin Linus x Juliet Burke, mentions of Rachel Carlson and Julian Carlson
Prompt: Table #20, Prompt #2 (into the airwaves)
Word Count: 306
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Character spoilers, mentions of death.
Summary: And she saw that real world and she slipped right through my fingers.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

Meaning in the Static
I made her a promise. I told her I'd cure her sister if she stayed and cured the pregnant woman on the island. I didn't ask for anything at all in return. And I always keep my promises, so I made sure her sister was saved. Watched her heal from the time I made that promise to Juliet to the time where she gave birth to her child and confirmed the birth by giving the baby a name, a kiss, a home.

And then I proved to Juliet that I kept my promise. I led her to a secret room full of computer screens I used to monitor her conditions. I don't think she realized how special her presence was--I can't bring just anybody to that room, for they'll see what they're missing in the real world.

And she saw that real world and she slipped right through my fingers. She saw her sister, the baby (now a toddler, talking and walking and grasping the ropes of everything) and she said she had to leave. She had to go home, and she had to go now.

I told her she couldn't. She had a job to do: to help the island's women give birth without sacrificing themselves or the safety of their babies.

I kept my promise, but she won't even acknowledge my existence anymore. Consumed by the screens, she sees nothing but where she wants to be, where she can't go just yet. Consumed by the screens, she's trying to do her job--but not for us. Not for me.

The airwaves are where I can find her now.

It shouldn't be this way. I kept my promise. I didn't expect anything in return.

The airwaves are where I can find her now, and I can't make her reach for my hand through static.

comm: mission_insane, fandom: lost

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