Reverse Psychology (mission_insane - Table #16, Prompt #3: spoken)

Jan 01, 2010 17:10

Title: Reverse Psychology
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Benjamin Linus
Prompt: Table #16, Prompt #3 (spoken) // January 13, 2010 (a perfect abuse of language)
Word Count: 145
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mentions of death and blood.
Summary: Once upon a time, my actions were true; my words were false.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

Reverse Psychology
Once upon a time, my actions were true; my words were false. I made sure that everyone else's hearts beat before mine, but claimed that they were stopped forever. I had to lie for myself and for the island, for Jacob, and I was more than willing to do so.

But then, I finally realized that it wasn't enough; words had no meaning when they saw right through me. Now, I have to kill and keep the blood on my hands after telling the victims that they can trust me, that I am not the one to blame. My actions are false; my words are true.

They say that actions speak louder than words--but everyone better read me thoroughly instead, or they'll end up like all the rest: dead and buried with a horrifying impression of one who only ever has the best intentions.

comm: mission_insane, fandom: lost, comm: 31_days

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