Title: Turn Up the Fakes and Lies
Author: iron_fist123 and vinvy
Rating: R (language and adult themes)
Summary: Are you afraid of us?
Warnings: Profanity, Empty Threats, Caffeine Withdrawals, mild Violence
Disclaimer: Don't own anything but the plot. None of this happened. (Duh.)
A/N: Hey, yeah, its short. There's also some overlap. Blame post length
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Comments 9
OH MAN THAT'S BADASS. Harsh and pretty fucked up, but they gotta do what they have to. Such is the life of a rebel. UNF KOBRA AND POISON BEING ALL THREATENING, DAMN. LOVE IT! :D MOAR PLZ!
Oh yes, so harsh. I just about cried writing it. X3 But it was soooo necessary. More is on its way soon (i hope)
Oh joy. You like our ruthlessness. I was a little concerned that it'd be too much... though my mentor always says that when you think its too much you need to go even farther (with writing, that is).
you... you just... you did not just compare our fic to the genius of Gerard's brain. Oh. OH. OH MY GOD. You really did. Lemme read that again.
You... my day has been made. HOLY FLYING MONKIES. You compared us to G. uuuh..... I'm gonna go squeal at how incredibly good that made me feel. THANK YOU SOSOSOSOSOSO FRICKIN MUCH. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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