I make a lot of my own using the "create userpic" feature and a photo, but they often don't turn out well. I think I got most of mine either at iconomicon or snagged them from random people here.
I do a lot of snagging too. I even saw some of yours that caught my attention. The perks of the communities, for my ADHD brain, is the near-constant flow of new, shiny images that I can save and forget I have until months or years later haha.
I don't really know how to make a userpic either LOL. I just look for things I enjoy, like cats,Watership Down stuff, favorite movies, and then cut them to 100 by 100 which is the requirement for userpics and upload them. I think. LOL
Yeah I believe it is 100x100. Mine just never look good when I cut them down to that. I have before, in the past, but now I just look for pretty things haha.
Comments 34
I'll check out the community you linked to. :D
That community hasn't posted in years, but the icons are still all up. They have quirky and unusual ones, that's what I liked about it.
I will! Same to you, if there are any that you like (I'll be uploading a lot more). I try to give credit when possible.
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