Mar 13, 2013 21:39
this has happened to several community members now, so i felt a mod post was necessary....if you post a link in the comments (which is a-okay to do, as that's how questions are answered, discussions furthered, etc) for some reason LJ is automatically marking them as 'suspicious comments'---even when the link is wikipedia! (i will hold my tongue about how LJ still isn't doing anything about REAL spam, oh wait...) anyway....IF you post a link in the comments and it is marked as a suspicious comment PLEASE message me and tell me what post it happened on and i will go 'free' it!!! thank you and i apologize in advance for any inconvenience you might have over this!!
ETA: have been told by a member that the poster of any entry who has a suspicious comment can 'unspam' it. So if a comment of yours is considered 'suspicious', please leave a new comment asking the poster to unspam the comment, you can also follow up with a message to me so i can make sure it got unspammed (depending on the poster's time zone, work schedule, etc)....if you get such a comment, just hit 'suspicious comment' and there's 2 options, one's to delete and the other is to unspam it....any issues, problems, concerns with this, please let me know!!