Apr 03, 2010 00:01
Oof, what a week.
I keep getting all sniffly and scratchy in the throat, but not constantly, so I'm unsure if it's a cold or allergies.
It's 'that time of the month' so I'm crampy, headachy, hungry and uber-cranky (and over-emotional). It's also given me 'The Zit That Took Over the City!' Seriously, this thing has taken over half my freaking chin!
My g.e.r.d is acting up BIG TIME. (Misery,misery, misery)
And a couple of days ago a sweet old couple who are regular customers, Hector and Frances, came in and I accidentally gave them back the $100 bill they used to make ther purchase along with their change. D'oh!
I realized this about 5 minutes after they left and promptly went hysterical and was sobbing all over the place. It was really pathetic.
I have, however, been reassured that I won't be fired over this as
a) It was an honest mistake that I immediately pointed out myself.
b) This is NOT something that I do regularly, by any means.
c) Last week I 'celebrated' 16 years in this job. They're pretty sure I'm reliable and honest.
I know that Hector and Frances won't catch the mistake; if they did they would have brought it back. However Frances, who I think was the one I gave the change back to, has Alzheimer's and probably wouldn't realize that she had more money than she should.
And because of anxiety (because of that situation), and P.M.S. and lack of willpower I've been scarfing junkfood, which naturally REALLY helps the g.e.r.d. and then I feel bad and anxious because I have high cholesterol and have been trying to eat better.
I'm really glad I have off the next three days.
Hopefully they'll go well!
oof what a week