Let Me In - 5/10

Jul 12, 2012 00:09

Pairing: Kurtbastian
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kurt Hummel finds an unexpected acquaintance with Sebastian Smythe after a tough break-up. He tries to keep their fling a strict Friends with Benefits situation, but Sebastian starts to break through his carefully guarded walls, even though he isn't necessarily an open book, either.

A/N: Whew, this was a fun/tough chapter to write, so hopefully you all like it. It’s a little shorter than the others because I was going to add the next part, but they didn’t really go together nicely. I want to give a blanket thank you to you all for reviewing and for even taking time to read my babbling. Feel free to leave any criticism or suggestions in your reviews. I do take them to account, I swear. I wasn’t sure about actually writing out the Burt scene after Kurt goes back inside, but some people mentioned wanting to see it, so voila! Enjoy!


Kurt walked into his kitchen to find his dad sitting with a disapproving, but speculative expression.

“Crap. I’m sorry, Dad. We were just sleeping, I swear,” Kurt explained, dropping into a seat across from his dad and preparing for what was probably going to be an uncomfortable conversation.

“Look, Kurt. You’re leaving for New York soon. I know you are old enough to make your own decisions and be an adult and everything. I’m just confused.”

“Okay…” Kurt eyed him cautiously. “Why are you confused, then?”

“Well, I just always had the impression you didn’t like Sebastian, especially after all that went on with Blaine and now he’s your boyfriend? It’s just confusing, Kiddo,” Burt said.

“No, he’s not…” Kurt stopped himself. How the hell do you explain to your father that you’re having sex with the guy you used to hate but there’s no feelings involved whatsoever? His mind tried to stray to a new train of thought about the whole having no feelings part of it, but he brought himself back quickly. “He’s just a friend.”

Burt hummed disbelievingly. “Listen. I’m not going to make you tell me what goes on in your personal life if you don’t want to. I just wanted to tell you that I do understand you’re an adult now and I get it if you have people over when I’m not here. Just don’t lie to me about stuff.” Burt looked intensely into Kurt’s eyes at that last sentence. It was clear he wasn’t falling for whatever Kurt was trying to tell him.

“Okay, Dad. So how was the flight?” Kurt changed the subject and steered clear of anything related to snarky ex-Warblers in his bed.

Later that night Kurt texted Sebastian.

(9:13 pm) Kurt: You going to have the house to yourself anytime tomorrow?

(9:49 pm) Kurt: Yes? No?

Kurt stared down at his phone, willing it to vibrate, but it lay still. He finally gave up, frustrated, and stomped to his bathroom for his nightly skin regimen.

(10:20 am) Sebastian: My parents are leaving for some event at seven. Sadie will be home for a while, but she’s leaving, so you could come over then.

(10:24 am) Kurt: That was a delayed response…

(10:26 am) Sebastian: I was out all night.

Kurt stared at the message for a few minutes. It was stupid, really, how much those five little words infuriated him. They didn’t even really mean much. Sebastian could’ve been hanging out with Nick or Jeff or Thad or David or some random friend Kurt doesn’t even know. But that wasn’t even what mattered. What mattered was the fact that Kurt had no right or reason to even care. He had made it perfectly clear to Sebastian where they stood and that included not being exclusive.

Only, what about yesterday? Sebastian had been so jealous of Kurt seeing Blaine that he actually showed up. But was it even jealousy? Kurt asked himself. It had seemed like it at the time, but maybe he just liked screwing with other people’s lives, relationships, and friendships. It wasn’t an action made from having feelings, but one that just emphasized how Sebastian could be a meddling jerk who got off on other’s misery, Kurt rationalized.

No, Kurt definitely didn’t have any right to feel anything about how Sebastian spent his night. He shoved whatever feelings were trying to surface to the darkest depths within himself and replied.

(10:41 am) I’ll be there at 7:15.

He made his way to Sebastian’s house around seven (after having dodged his father’s attempts to get him to join game night, eyeing him suspiciously as he slipped out with a vague excuse). He was unusually nervous as he walked to Sebastian’s door, knocking gently. Nothing had changed, really. Kurt knew that he was still probably going out a lot, but hearing him almost kind of mention it seemed to make all the difference.

Sadie answered the door with a grin, leaning forward to press a kiss to Kurt’s cheek.

“Kurt!” She squeezed him in a tight hug. She had a full face of makeup on and was dressed in a tight fitting outfit made for a club or party. Only her hair was undone, clamped at the top of her head.

“Hi, Sadie,” he chuckled.

“You look wonderful,” she said. A throat cleared loudly behind them and Sadie loosened her grip. “That’s my hint to go, isn’t it? I’ll be sure to not bother you when I leave.” She sighed dramatically and skipped away. Sebastian didn’t move, still leaning against the wall in the hallway. He was obviously tense and taking great care with his expressions.

“Should I have come later?” Kurt asked. Sebastian shook his head, eyes intent on Kurt.

“Her room is far away from mine. Besides, she’ll be gone soon. Tame movie night with the friends,” Sebastian said sarcastically.

“She knows she isn’t fooling anyone with that, doesn’t she?”

Sebastian chuckled. “She only has to fool Dad and he’s pretty easy. She always tells me exactly where she’s going. I do the same when I go out. It’s our way of looking out for each other, I guess.”

Kurt nodded slowly, freezing his face into a mask as he asked, “Did you tell her when you went out last night?” He felt immediately irritated at how it didn’t come out nonchalantly as he’d hoped. Sebastian just nodded, the intensity of his gaze increasing as he stared into Kurt’s eyes. Kurt did his best to ignore all of the tension as he walked over to Sebastian, wrapping his arms around his neck and looking up for a kiss. It took four chaste presses of his lips before Sebastian slowly melted, wrapping his arms around Kurt’s back and pulling him in closer, finally opening up for the kiss. Kurt beat down any thoughts threatening to take over about who was in Sebastian’s arms last night. He still smelled the same, clean and warm and intoxicating. Whatever he did when he wasn’t with Kurt did not matter, Kurt repeated to himself a few times before he pulled away.

“Want to go upstairs?” Kurt asked. Sebastian nodded, excitement twinkling in his eyes.

“Yeah. I wanted to ask you something,” Sebastian said as he grabbed Kurt’s wrist and pulled him upstairs (no hand holding was another rule Kurt had brought up). Kurt swallowed hesitantly as he allowed himself to be dragged upstairs. Sebastian sat on his bed gently and Kurt stood over him.

“Okay…what is it?” Kurt asked nervously.

“I want to try something…different. Something new. You can totally say no if you don’t want to. I don’t really know if it’s even something you’re into, but I thought it’d be really hot and I’ve been wanting to try it, but like I said, it’s totally fine if you say no, I just-” Kurt cut him off.

“Sebastian, stopped rambling,” Kurt chided with a hint of a smile. “What is it? Just tell me.”

“How do you feel about…being tied up?” Sebastian watched him tentatively, looking like he was bracing for rejection or humiliation. Kurt’s breath whooshed out of him at the words. Sebastian barely waited three seconds before speaking again. “I should’ve never brought it-”

Kurt placed a finger on Sebastian’s lips, silencing him and moving to straddle him on the bed. He grasped Sebastian’s hair, leaning down to slowly suck Sebastian’s lower lip, tugging lightly with his teeth. It was wet and messy, but erotic. He pulled away finally and whispered against Sebastian’s ear much deeper than usual, “That sounds really hot.” Sebastian dragged in a rough breath.

He was immediately responsive, lifting Kurt slightly and twisting them so he was on top. He scooted Kurt up the bed a little, swiftly unbuttoning his shirt and pants. He tugged them off Kurt’s body until Kurt lay on his bed, almost naked with his cock straining hard against his briefs. Sebastian removed Kurt’s hands from his hair, splaying them above his head on the bed. He squeezed Kurt’s wrists gently as he said, “Stay right here. Don’t move.” Kurt nodded, breath hitching in anticipation.

Sebastian jumped off the bed, stripping his clothes as he hurried to his closet. He emerged with two red and blue striped ties. He paused to drink in the image of Kurt, still unmoved and lying on his bed with all of the trust in the world, looking so turned on Sebastian could barely stand it. He approached the bed slowly, reaching down to gently tie a knot around each of Kurt’s hands, then around the hook behind his headboard that attached it to the dark wooden piece. He tugged on the ties gently to make sure they were secure and Kurt had enough room with them to be comfortable.

“You good?” he asked. Kurt nodded, biting on his bottom lip. Sebastian knelt carefully, only allowing his hands to touch Kurt. He reached out to remove Kurt’s lip from his teeth, replacing the teeth with his lips. Kurt strained his neck upwards into the kiss, unable to pull Sebastian down or otherwise press himself against Sebastian’s body. Sebastian pulled back and chuckled playfully.

“Relax,” Sebastian said. Kurt let his head roll back onto the bed as Sebastian began sucking small kisses along Kurt’s neck, never staying in one place too long. He lingered a bit at the pulse point, though, as Kurt squirmed beneath his lips. Sebastian moved down to his collarbone, tracing his lips against it lightly before moving down his arm to the crook of Kurt’s elbow. He licked gently up the vein on Kurt’s forearm before moving to press kisses to Kurt’s palm, up his fingers and to his fingertips. It was the most direct contact Sebastian had really had with Kurt’s hands. He looked to Kurt for any signs of reluctance or discomfort, but didn’t find any, so he continued on, retracing his steps to the other arm and back up again.

Sebastian was back at Kurt’s chest when he repositioned, moving to lie directly against him like he had after their nap the previous day. Kurt rolled his hips upward, grinding slowly as his cock came to contact with Sebastian’s chest through his briefs. Sebastian placed his hands on either side of Kurt’s hips, pressing him to the mattress, looking up at him through his lashes and shaking his head teasingly.

Sebastian ducked back down, tongue moving to flick each of Kurt’s nipples, then trailing across the planes of Kurt’s chest, down to his stomach, and dipping into his belly button. Kurt was gnawing on his lip painfully now, watching Sebastian’s every movement. Sebastian’s tongue and teeth dragged across Kurt’s hipbones. He pulled Kurt’s briefs down inch by inch, taking ample amount of time to mouth at the newly exposed areas before finally pulling them off completely. He could feel Kurt’s hips buzzing as he strained to keep them pressed down against the bed.

“How are you doing, babe?” Sebastian asked, lips still pressed along the curve between Kurt’s thigh and cock, sucking teasingly at the skin.

“Fuck, Sebastian,” Kurt moaned.

“That wasn’t really an answer,” Sebastian teased, finally touching Kurt’s cock, easily gliding strokes down with the aid of Kurt’s precome.

“Fuck. This is so fucking hot. I knew it’d be…but wow.” Kurt moaned loudly, glad Sadie’s room was far away as he bucked his hips upward. Sebastian pulled his hand off, leaning back slightly.

“No, no. What did I say?” Kurt automatically stilled his hips.

“Wait, no. I’m sorry. I won’t move. I promise. Please,” Kurt panted.

“Please what?” Sebastian asked. He was completely wrecked, watching Kurt like this, so vulnerable, so responsive, so gorgeous.

“Please touch me. Lick me. Something. Anything. Don’t stop,” Kurt begged and Sebastian resumed his motions immediately. He finally took the tip of Kurt’s cock into his mouth, sucking the precome and dipping his tongue into the ridge to gather anything he missed.

He licked a long strip along the bottom of Kurt’s shaft, sucking the sensitive skin below the head into his mouth. He led his tongue down, pulling each of Kurt’s balls into his mouth, sucking and massaging them with his tongue before releasing them with a small pop. Licking his way back up, Sebastian finally took Kurt completely into his mouth, bobbing shallowly and slowly sucking his way down, deeper and deeper, his hand stroking what he couldn’t reach. He began twisting his hand slightly and he could feel Kurt tensing with his tell-tale signs of being right on the edge. Sebastian sucked as far down as he could, glancing up at Kurt and locking eyes as he hummed gently, vibrations shooting around Kurt’s cock as he came hard. Sebastian swallowed around him until Kurt was finished. He pulled off gently and Kurt sunk even more into the mattress, body twitching slightly in the after effects.

“Wow…” Kurt groaned finally. Sebastian smiled freely, kissing Kurt sloppily.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he murmured against Kurt’s lips. Kurt began to kiss back enthusiastically.

Sebastian reached in his nightstand for the lube and condom as usual. He slicked up his fingers and started with two right away. Kurt sucked in a breath, but relaxed quickly against his fingers, still ridiculously calm after his orgasm. Sebastian moved his fingers gently, twirling and opening them until Kurt was pressing down for more. He finally pressed in a third, marveling at how easily Kurt was starting to open up for him.

“That’s good, Bas,” Kurt said.

“You sure?” Sebastian asked. Kurt’s cock was just starting to harden again, probably still sensitive. Kurt just nodded erratically. Sebastian pulled his fingers out, slipping on a condom and covering himself with lube.

He pressed his cock against Kurt’s entrance, pausing and breathing deeply before pressing in at an achingly slow pace. He stilled, waiting for Kurt’s signal to move. Once given, he moved to pull Kurt’s right leg up, placing it on his shoulder and pressing in a little deeper before doing the same with his left leg. Sebastian was as deep inside as possible before he pulled back to press in once more.

“Fuck, Kurt. You’re so flexible,” he said, picking up a pace and locking eyes with Kurt. Sounds of moans and skin slapping against skin filled the room. Sebastian thrust in particularly deep, hitting Kurt’s prostate and leaning almost completely against Kurt who was pretty much folded in half. He sucked a deep, wet, messy kiss against Kurt’s lips and without warning Kurt was coming almost completely untouched against their chests. Sebastian was sent over the edge, completely wound up from all of the touching and teasing and kissing and came, nearly passing out from his orgasm. He collapsed against Kurt’s chest, unworried about the mess and they lay there for several minutes, sweaty and sticky, but neither having the energy to move or speak or even open their eyes.

Finally, Sebastian slid out of Kurt, ridding himself of the condom. Kurt cleared his throat lightly, smiling and nodding to the ties. Sebastian looked at him thoughtfully for a moment.

“I really wish I could kiss you right now,” Sebastian said and Kurt panicked slightly, unable to really pull away effectively. Sebastian shook his head as if to snap himself out of it. He moved quickly to remove the ties, fumbling a little. “Sorry. Should’ve kept that to myself.” Once the ties were undone he bundled them up, wiping the come off of his and Kurt’s chest and tossing them aside.

“You have just ruined perfectly good Dalton ties,” Kurt chided him jokingly.

“I don’t go to Dalton anymore, so it’s not like I use them.”

“Hmmm…I seem to have just experienced some perfectly good uses for them,” Kurt said.

“I have more,” Sebastian said, grinning openly and without his usual mask in place. They dressed slowly, just lounging around and chatting about unimportant topics. It had been over two hours, longer than Kurt had ever stayed afterwards when Sebastian's phone rang.

“Seb?” Sadie sobbed on the line and Sebastian heard blaring music, but an even louder pounding and shouting.

“Sadie? What’s wrong?”

“Seb, please come get me. I locked myself in the bathroom but this guy is trying to get in. I think he’s gonna break the door down. We were just fooling around and he got really aggressive and Seb, just hurry, please.” Sadie’s voice was laced with fear and terror, her words coming out in a quick, jumbled strain.

“I’m on my way, Sadie. Just stay on the phone with me.”

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